本人长期从事药物分析相关的教学和科学研究,主要承担药学院中药学、药学等专业的分析化学及仪器分析的理论及实验课程教学,参与编写相关教材2部。主要研究方向为药物分析方向,具体为:(1)针对药物(含中药)质量控制的新技术、新方法和新仪器研究;(2)基于新型纳米材料的复杂中药样品中痕量成分及元素的分离纯化及相关定性定量研究。主持国家自然科学基金项目1项(基于等离子体表面进样原子发射光谱技术的中药材中重金属元素快速分析方法研究),并参与多项国家自然科学基金项目的研究。已发表SCI论文24篇,其中影响因子5以上的论文5篇。Sensors Actuators B: Chem、Microchem. J、Anal Methods、J. Anal. At. Spectrom、Chin. Chem. Lett等多个SCI杂志国际审稿人。
1. Yuan Xin; Li Kejun; Zhang Yutian; Miao Yuting; Xiang Yu; Sha Ying; Zhang Mei*; Huang Ke*; Point discharge microplasma for the determination of mercury in Traditional Chinese Medicines by chemical vapor generation atomic emission spectrometry, Microchem. J., 2020, 155: 104695.
2. Deng Wenqing; Chen Piaopiao; Hu Pingyue; He Ziying; Zhang Mei; Yuan Xin*; Huang Ke*; Enzymatic reaction modulated synthesis of quantum dots for visual detection of cholinesterase activity and inhibitor, Sensor. Actuat, B: Chem, 2019, 292: 180-186.
3. Yuan Xin; Yang Li; Liu Siyan; Yang Haiyan; Tang Yuyi; Huang Ke*; Zhang Mei*; An effective analytical system based on an ultraviolet atomizer for trace cadmium determination using atomic fluorescence spectrometry, Analytical Methods, 2018, 10: 4821-4826.
4. Huang Ke; Dai Rui; Deng Wenqing; Lin Ling; Zhang Ai; Yuan Xin*; Aqueous synthesis of CdTe quantum dots by hydride generation for visual detection of silver on quantum dot immobilized paper, Analytical Methods, 2017, 9: 5339-5347.
5. Huang Ke; Dai Rui; Deng Wenqing; Guo Shengjie; Deng Han; Wei Yao; Zhou Fuling; Long Ying; Li Jun; Yuan Xin*; Xiong Xiaoli*; Gold nanoclusters immobilized paper for visual detection of zinc in whole blood and cells by coupling hydride generation with headspace solid phase extraction, Sensor. Actuat, B: Chem, 2018, 255: 1631-1639.
6. Yuan Xin; Chen Sujuan; Li Shan; Liu Qiuyun; Kou Mengqian; Xu Ting; Luo Hong*; Huang Ke*; Zhang Mei; Enzymatic reaction modulation of G-quadruplex formation for the sensitive homogeneous fluorescence sensing of cholinesterase and organophosphate pesticides, Analytical Methods, 2019, 11: 980-988.
7. Wang, X.; Yang, H.; Li, K.; Xiang, Y.; Sha, Y.; Zhang, M.; Yuan, X*.; Huang, K*., Recent developments of the speciation analysis methods for silver nanoparticles and silver ions based on atomic spectrometry. Appl. Spectrosc. Rev. 2019, DOI: 10.1080/05704928.2019.1684303.
8. Huang Ke*; Deng Wenqing; Dai Rui; Wang Xiu; Xiong Qin; Yuan Qingqing; Jiang Xue; Yuan Xin; Xiong Xiaoli*; Ultrasensitive speciation analysis of silver ions and silver nanoparticles with a CdSe quantum dots immobilized filter by Cation exchange reaction, Microchem. J., 2017, 135: 74-80.
9. Hu Pingyue; Wang Xiu; Wei Long; Dai Rui; Yuan Xin; Huang Ke*; Chen Piaopiao*; Selective recognition of CdTe QDs and strand displacement signal amplification-assisted label-free and homogeneous fluorescence assay of nucleic acid and protein, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2019, 7: 4778-4783.