题目:A new drug screening technique ?Dysfunction HDL , prognostic value and influence by Bariatric surgery
主讲人简 介: 2000年博士毕业于南开大学,2003-2005年在中国军事医学科学院基础医学研究所读博士后,2006-2013在美国俄亥俄州克利夫兰诊所勒纳研究所细胞和分子医药学系读博士后。在Nature Medicine、Circulation、cell等杂志上公开发表SCI论文20余篇,累计影响因子超过200分,获得授权专利2项。数次应邀参加国际学术会议并作大会发言。
1. Huang Y, DiDonato JA, Levison BS, Schmitt D, Li L., Wu YP, Buffa J, Kim T, Gerstenecker G, Gu XD, Kadiyala C, Wang ZN, Culley MK, Hazen JE, DiDonato AJ, Fu XM, Berisha S, Peng DQ, Nguyen T, Liang SH, Chuang CC, Cho L, Plow EF, Fox PL, Gogonea V, Tang WH, Parks JS, Fisher EA, Smith JD and Hazen SL. An abundant dysfunctional apolipoprotein A1 in human atheroma. Nature Medicine. (2014).20(2):193-203. 影响因子:28.05 引用次数:52
5. Huang Y, Wu Z, Riwanto M, Gao S, Levison BS, Gu X, Fu X, Wagner MA, Besler C, Gerstenecker G, Zhang R, Li XM, DiDonato AJ, Gogonea V, Tang WH, Smith JD, Plow EF, Fox PL, Shih DM, Lusis AJ, Fisher EA, DiDonato JA, Landmesser U, Hazen SL. Myeloperoxidase, paraoxonase-1, and HDL form a functional ternary complex. J Clin Invest. (2013). 123:3815-28. 影响因子:13.77 引用次数:29