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  • 洗? 民国,高20cm,口径33cm,直腹,圈足,腹上有三道旋纹,双耳,为洗面用具。Basin of wash in the Republic of China,20cmin height,33cmin caliber,straight belly,round foot,three spinning lines in belly,two ears,an utensil for washing face.
    [铜器] 发表时间:2023-03-02
  • 盆? 清代,高10cm,口径35cm,卷口,直肩,平底。腹微敛,盆内錾刻卷云纹和花卉纹饰,器物造形匀称,色泽光润。Basin in qing Dynasty,35cm in caliber,10cm in height,wire edge,straightshoulder,flat base,slight contraction in belly part,carved emblazonry of cloud,flower and pla...
    [铜器] 发表时间:2023-02-23
  • 鼎:明代,高17cm,口径14.5cm,鼓腹,圆柱形三足,双高立耳。
    [铜器] 发表时间:2023-02-22
  • 釜? 汉代,高22cm,口径19cm, 敞口,束颈,平底,腹部有三道旋纹,双环形耳。Kettle in Han Dynasty,22cm in height,19cm in caliber,broad opening,contracted neck,flat base,two rings and two ears, three spinning lines (lra)in belly part.
    [铜器] 发表时间:2022-03-03
  • 熏炉? 明代,高13.5cm, 口径10cm, 瓜棱形,鼠耳,蹄形三足,造型精致,构思精巧。Censer in Ming Dynasty, 13.5cm in height, 10cm in caliber, prismatic shape like a melon, rat ear, threefeet in horseshoe shape, delicacy in sculpt and ingenious in design.
    [铜器] 发表时间:2022-03-03
  • 铜器乃铜锡合金而成,质地坚硬、形态各异、古朴典雅、线条畅达,散发着悠远的历史文化韵味,彰显中医药文物精致、大气的岁月积淀。Copper wares are made of copper-tin alloy with a stiff character. They are different in shapes, smooth in lines and simple but unsophisticated in modeli...
    [铜器] 发表时间:2022-03-03
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